CAPILLARYS 3 TERA, offers the enhanced throughput of a 12 capillaries system, lateral access for a tube loader or a workcell configuration.
Several CAPILLARYS 3 TERA configurations are offered.
The stand alone instrument can be further upgraded with:
- A high capacity tubes loader
- A workcell configuration, with up to 3 instruments. CAPILLARYS 3 TERA MC is able to process either very high volumes of the same test, or batches of different tests, providing full walk-away flexibility.
- Another option of CAPILLARYS 3 TERA is the analytical track compatibility, with CAPILLARYS 3 TERA TLA.
The CAPILLARYS 3 program offers a broad assay menu: Serum Proteins Electrophoresis (SPE), Serum Immunotyping, Hb A1c (venous blood), Hemoglobin electrophoresis (adult blood)
Coming soon: Hb A1c (capillary blood) and CDT/CDTIFCC
In the future: Hemoglobin electrophoresis (newborn on dried blood spot), Urine Proteins Electrophoresis (UPE) and Urine Immunotyping
The CAPILLARYS 3 program was developed to fulfill all laboratories’ requirements in total confidence in a fast-changing environment.
Technical characteristics
- Proteins: from 100 tests/h for CAPILLARYS 3 TERA stand alone to 300 tests/h with CAPILLARYS 3 TERA MC configuration
- HbA1c: from 70 tests/h for CAPILLARYS 3 TERA stand alone to 210 tests/h with CAPILLARYS 3 TERA MC configuration
Walk-away / Autonomy
- Tube capacity: from 120 samples with the onboard loading to 600 samples with the additional tube loader
- Test autonomy: HbA1c > 5.2 hours and Proteins > 3.2 hours**
- 24/7 accessibility
- Automatic start-up / shut down
- Automatic maintenance
- Main reagents compartment with 4 flexible positions for multiple buffers
- Secondary reagent deck with 13 flexible positions for additional reagents
- Cooled section in the secondary reagent deck
- Smart LCD colored touch screen with user friendly interface
- Color-coded back lighted reagent containers
Sample types
- Serum
- Urine
- Whole blood (capped tubes), venous blood, capillary blood samples
- Cord blood
- Dry blood spots
Positive ID & Reagents Traceability
- RFID tagged sample racks
- Positive sample identification with full traceability from primary tube to final result
- Full traceability and reagents management through RFID tags for main and secondary reagents
Sampling mode
- Batch optimization
- Continuous sample loading
- Direct sampling from primary tubes
- Sampling from open and capped tubes (cap piercing)
- Efficient mixing system with multiple sample inversions (HbA1c & Hb)
- 12 silica capillaries
- Migrations performed in capillaries at accurate temperature, controlled by a Sebia proprietary Peltier based regulation device
Capillarys 3 Tera
- Software: operated by Phoresis CORE
- Weight:
- Dimension:
- (L) 35 x (W) 25 x (H) 20 in
- (L) 88 x (W) 64 x (H) 50 cm