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Power Processor Sample Handling System

Power Processor Sample Handling System

Increasing productivity, reducing costs. The Power Processor sample handling system can transform your laboratory’s entire operation, enhancing productivity and accuracy, while significantly reducing labor costs. By automating pre-analytical testing processes, the Power Processor helps ensure consistent turnaround times and eliminates opportunities for error, improving accuracy of results and supporting more informed decision-making when it comes to patient care. Combining disciplines on a single rack helps meet customer demands and stockyards—specialized refrigerated outlet units—allow sample storage for a configurable period of time based on laboratory workflow needs.


Increased productivity and safety

  • Streamline specimen processing and sample login and sorting with a single point of entry that uses barcode technology
  • Gain throughput of up to 700 samples per hour, based on centrifuge-run parameters
  • Minimize manual tasks and reduce biohazard risk with automated decapping
  • Reduce sample waste and contamination, and identify short samples early, with the aliquoter system
  • Address revolving workflow requirements with automation that supports both direct-track sampling and rack-builder connections for UniCel DxC Clinical Systems, and UniCel DxI and Access Immunoassay Systems, as well as generic racks for other instruments 

Optimized efficiency

  • Prioritize STAT samples over routine samples with Dynamic Inlet technology, featuring specialized racks that allow pre-spun samples to bypass the centrifuge, remapping them to the stockyard for archiving
  • Automatically sort tubes requiring whole blood analysis or pre-treatment using the non-centrifuge outlet
  • Prevent serum evaporation during storage with recapping capability