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Immuno CAP Rapid Wheeze / Rhinitis Child

Immuno CAP Rapid Wheeze / Rhinitis Child

Test for allergy to these 10 common allergens with just one sample of blood: e1 Cat, e5 Dog, t3 Birch, t9 Olive, w6 Mugwort, w21 Wall pellitory, g6 Timothy, d1 House dust mite, f1 Egg white and f2 Cow’s milk.



1 out of 3 preschool and 2 out of 3 school children with recurrent wheezing/coughing are allergic and may benefit from differential diagnosis and treatment. Which ones are they?


  • Wheezing on expiration
  • Cough
  • Bronchospasm

Physical findings

  • Prolonged expiration
  • Wheeze on auscultation
  • Reduced breathing sounds
  • Use of auxiliary breathing muscles

And in severe cases:

  • Poor growth
  • Prominent sternum – “pigeon chest” with hyperinflation and lateral flattening



Up to 7 out of 10 children with seasonal and perennial rhinitis are allergic and may benefit from differential diagnosis and treatment. Which ones are they?


  • Nasal congestion
  • Sneezing and nasal discharge
  • Itching eyes and nose
  • Cough
  • Fatigue
  • Hearing loss

Physical findings

  • Congested nasal mucosa – pale pink in acute phase, bluish grey in chronic situation
  • Mouth breathing
  • Cobblestoning of the conjunctivae
  • Allergic shiner (discoloration and swelling below the lower eyelids)
  • Transverse nasal crease (due to constant rubbing).