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DxH 800 Hematology Analyzer

DxH 800 Hematology Analyzer

More science. More accuracy. Put more science—not more staff—in your high-volume hematology laboratory. With the DxH 800 hematology analyzer, you can utilize accurate data about individual cell size, shape and structure to provide high-quality first-pass results. Go beyond mere cell counting to deliver results to clinicians and patients faster, with greater confidence.


Reduce manual reviews

  • Enhance first-pass accuracy with Automated Intelligent Morphology technology and advanced algorithms
  • Overcome cellular interference with Coulter Principle impedance and multi-angle laser scatter  

Increase laboratory efficiency 

  • Connect up to three DxH 800 analyzers and a DxH Slidemaker Stainer to form a DxH Connected Hematology Workcell 
  • Reduce TAT with auto-rerun and reflex testing 
  • Improve quality and productivity and reduce costs with our automation and informatics

Enhance testing capabilities 

  • Count blood cells properly with industry-leading nucleated red blood cell identification capabilities  
  • Expand laboratory offerings without adding personnel by using the analyzer’s automatic reticulocyte and body fluid analysis features 
  • Conduct high-priority testing quickly with true STAT interrupt 
  • Provide timely patient care without procuring additional samples with auto release-reflex testing