Differentiating a bacterial gastroenteritis from a viral form is key to ensure appropriate patient management and treatment. Early diagnosis of viral infection by laboratory testing helps avoid unnecessary use of antimicrobial therapy and contain disease outbreaks.
Rotavirus group A and Adenovirus serotypes 40 & 41 are a common cause of viral gastroenteritis, with Rotavirus being the leading cause of acute gastroenteritis in infants and young children. Guidelines for the management of gastroenteritis recommend the use of Rotavirus and Adenovirus antigen tests as a first-line answer for children under the age of 5, immuno-compromised patients and disease outbreaks investigation in institutions1.
The BIONEXIA® Rota-Adeno test allows rapid detection and differentiation of Rotavirus and Adenovirus in human stool specimens, providing an accurate first-line answer in the management of patients presenting with symptoms of gastroenteritis.