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biofire FilmArray® Panels

biofire FilmArray® Panels

The Fastest Way to Better Results. The FilmArray® System is the new standard for syndromic infectious disease molecular diagnostics. With integrated sample preparation, amplification, detection and analysis, the FilmArray System delivers accurate results in about an hour.


BioFire® FilmArray® Panels

Comprehensive Panels and Better Diagnostics
Comprehensive panels take out the guess work, giving laboratories and healthcare providers a higher probability of identifying pathogens associated with infectious disease. Designed with the syndromic approach in mind, each panel combines a broad grouping of probable pathogenic causes into a single, rapid test.

The six FDA-cleared BioFire FilmArray Panels test for viruses, bacteria, parasites, yeast, and antimicrobial resistance genes. Whether you’re trying to select appropriate therapy for a septic patient or determine exactly which respiratory pathogen is making a young child sick, the BioFire FilmArray System can return answers fast. Click on the icons below to learn more.

The BioFire® FilmArray® Respiratory Panel

Sample Type: Nasopharyngeal swab

20 Targets in One Test
The BioFire FilmArray Respiratory Panel (RP) tests for a comprehensive set of 20 respiratory viral and bacterial pathogens in about one hour. The BioFire RP identifies the most common viral and bacterial pathogens that cause respiratory tract infections that present with nearly indistinguishable symptoms. The rapid and accurate identification of the causative agent helps determine how a healthcare provider chooses to treat a respiratory tract infection.

The BioFire® FilmArray® Respiratory Panel EZ

Sample Type: Nasopharyngeal swab

14 Targets in One Test
The BioFire FilmArray Respiratory Panel (RP) EZ tests for a comprehensive set of 14 respiratory viral and bacterial pathogens in about one hour. The BioFire RP EZ is CLIA-waived and designed to run on a single computer/instrument configuration (EZ Configuration) of the BioFire® FilmArray® 2.0 System.

Product not available outside U.S.

The BioFire® FilmArray® Respiratory Panel 2

Sample Type: Nasopharyngeal swab

21 Targets in One Test
The BioFire FilmArray Respiratory Panel 2 (RP2) is faster, more accurate, and more comprehensive. An unprecedented run time of about 45 minutes enables higher efficiency and throughput on the BioFire 2.0 System and the BioFire®FilmArray® Torch System and offers potentially faster results to clinicians, enabling better informed diagnosis and treatment of patients. Higher overall sensitivity across a broader spectrum of pathogens means that the BioFire RP2 offers the world the fastest way to better results in the detection of respiratory infections.

The BioFire® FilmArray® Blood Culture Identification Panel

Sample Type: Positive Blood Culture

27 Targets in One Test
The BioFire FilmArray Blood Culture Identification (BCID) Panel tests for a comprehensive set of 24 gram-positive, gram-negative, and yeast pathogens and 3 antibiotic resistance genes associated with bloodstream infections. The BioFire BCID Panel detects and identifies the most common causes of bloodstream infections. Quickly identifying the cause of sepsis may help clinicians more rapidly and appropriately manage therapy for septic patients. Rapid identification of bloodstream pathogens helps reduce the time to appropriate antimicrobial therapy and may positively impact patient survival.

The BioFire® FilmArray® Gastrointestinal Panel

Sample Type: Stool in Cary Blair

22 Targets in One Test
The BioFire FilmArray Gastrointestinal (GI) Panel tests for a comprehensive set of 22 gastrointestinal pathogens. The BioFire GI Panel tests stool specimens for common pathogens associated with gastroenteritis. Quickly identifying the correct pathogen can ensure appropriate treatment, improve patient management, and help detect infectious gastroenteritis which can lead to severe illness or death.

The BioFire® FilmArray®Meningitis/Encephalitis Panel

Sample Type: Cerebrospinal Fluid (CSF)

14 Targets in One Test
The BioFire FilmArray Meningitis/Encephalitis (ME) Panel tests for a comprehensive set of 14 bacteria, viruses, and yeast. The BioFire ME Panel identifies the most common viral, bacterial, and yeast pathogens that cause infections in the central nervous system, which in some cases can be life-threatening. The diagnosis of meningitis and encephalitis can allow faster decisions on appropriate therapy to be made to prevent complications.

The BioFire® FilmArray® Pneumonia Panel

Sample Type: BAL: (including mini-BAL)
Sputum: (including endotracheal aspirate)

33 Targets in One Test
The BioFire Pneumonia Panel identifies 33 clinically relevant targets from sputum (including endotracheal aspirate) and bronchoalveolar lavage (including mini-BAL) samples. For 15 of the bacteria, the BioFire Pneumonia Panel provides semi-quantitative results, which may help determine whether an organism is a colonizer or a pathogen.