Despite vaccination, the incidence has increased during the last years. Especially young adolescents and adults are increasingly affected. Besides B pertussis the most important causative agent of pertussis, infections with B. parapertussis can lead to pertussis like disease with milder symptoms.
FluoroType® Bordetella allows for rapid and reliable identification of B. pertussis and B. parapertussis by the detection of the IS elements IS481 and IS1001. Bacterial DNA is extracted from sample material using the isolation kit BLyse followed by automated amplification and detection in the optical thermal cycler FluoroCycler®. An Internal control monitors test performance from sample preparation to valid results. Evaluation of results is performed automatically by the innovative Fluoro-Software®, for reliable test results within only three hours. Thus, FluoroType® Bordetella can be easily implemented in your laboratory routine allowing for efficient pertussis diagnostics!
Your benefits of using FluoroType® Bordetella